
Cameron Smith & Associates founder dies from cancer

Cameron Smith, founder and CEO of Cameron Smith & Associates, died Monday from complications in his fight against cancer, according to a news release from the company.

Smith is survived by his wife, Monica, their four children and 10 grandchildren. Polyethylene Pipe

Cameron Smith & Associates founder dies from cancer

Smith started his recruitment firm after moving to Northwest Arkansas in 1994 when there were less than 50 supplier teams in Bentonville. Since then, the firm has been named one of the best executive search firms in the country by Forbes, and Smith received many local and state honors for the company.

Scott Crossett, who joined the company in 2012, will be taking over as president and CEO. He said he wants to keep Smith’s legacy alive through the firm’s work and community involvement.

“The ripple effect of his passing will be felt profoundly,” Crossett said. “He is known as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, change-maker and dedicated community leader, but to us, he was such a great friend. He especially had a heart for people and their success.”

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Cameron Smith & Associates founder dies from cancer

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