
Septic Tanks - General Information | SCDHEC

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The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control ("Department") has amended R. 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. The updated regulation was posted in the State Register on May 27, 2022 and went into effect on July 1, 2022.  Drum Filter

Septic Tanks - General Information | SCDHEC

5103 – State Register Notice of Final Regulation for 61-56 OSWW  NEW!  Fact Sheet - 2022 Updates to R. 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems 

A septic system is made up of a tank and a drainfield. It is designed to treat and dispose of domestic wastewater through a combination of natural processes. When properly installed and maintained, a septic system can render wastewater ecologically safe.

Safe treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater protects public health and the environment while preventing drinking water pollution and the spread of disease.

Connection to a wastewater treatment facility is not always available (i.e. rural areas, small communities).

Septic systems, like private wells, are the homeowner's responsibility. An improperly used or maintained septic tank system can affect an entire community by causing one or more of the following problems: a breeding area for mosquitoes and other insects, undesirable odors, costly damage caused by sewage backing up inside the home, the spread of serious diseases, and pollution of groundwater, wells, rivers, and lakes.

For information on how to apply for a septic system permit, please visit our Permits, Licenses, and Reports page.

Septic Tanks - General Information | SCDHEC

Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant Some septic systems fail to work properly, usually because of poor maintenance. Don't let yours be one of them — learn how your septic system works and how to care for it.